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Welcome to our Preschool/ Pre-K

Creative Xpressions Preschool for the Arts offers a unique approach to preschool learning. 



About Our
Preschool/ Pre- K

We are open
8:00 am-5:00 pm
for students ages 3-5 -years old who are fully potty trained.


CXPA is located in my home located in

downtown Stroudsburg, PA

for up to 4 students per day. 


Students must be 3 years old by September 1st

and must be fully potty-trained at home with parents before

attending school.

I will offer reminders to students every 2 hours to use the

bathroom on their own.


We are a private pay program only.

Please click the link below to view our fees.


Explore the Creative Possibilities at CXPA!

Our students are provided with a variety of hands-on activities. They learn to respect, work and play with others in a positive environment. Age-appropriate activities are presented to children individually and in large groups in a safe and creative environment.


Students will develop individual skills including language and literacy development, small motor skills including handwriting, scissor practice,  self-help and problem-solving, and building imagination through creative experiences. 


Skills presented in large group activities include respect, sharing, listening, cooperation, and large motor skills including dramatic play,  music/ movement, mindfulness, and yoga experiences.


I ensure students receive direct and independent instruction as well as positive feedback to guide the children throughout the day. I feel it is very important for each student to feel that they are  encouraged, listened to

 and respected.








Family Communication & Support


Field Trips


All Communication will be done in our                                       mobile app .

Families will receive an invitation once they have successfully completed all paperwork and paid their registration fee and 1st-week tuition.


I am happy to provide any outside resources needed such as; doctor's office locations, mental health resources, and food programs that are offered in our community if needed at any time.


 Our curriculum is designed to be fun, engaging, and educational, with an emphasis on the arts. We currently use Planning Playtime's Mommy & Me Preschool/ Pre-K Programs. 

We believe that by encouraging creativity and tapping into each child’s unique skills and talents, we can provide a well-rounded learning environment.

Our students will be exposed to a variety of age-appropriate activities, such as music, art, drama, and dance, as well as educational games and activities. Our goal is to create an environment that will foster a life-long love of learning.

​​At CXPA we sure love going on field trips!

We usually have a field trip at least once a month during the warmer weather months, typically April - October.  

Families will receive notice of when, where, and how much these outings will cost via our Brightwheel App or discussed during drop-off/pick-up times.


We love when additonal family members participate in outings with us, so feel free to let me know if you're ever interested in joining us!


Rest Time

Our Rest time is scheduled daily between 12:30 pm- 3:00 pm. 

( times vary depending on our schedule for the day)


Students will receive their own rest time mat upon enrollment.  Each mat is labeled with the student's name and will not be shared with any other classmates. Rest time Mats will be cleaned and sanitized weekly and when accidents occur. 


Students are welcome to bring in a pillow, mat sheet, blanket, and 1 stuffed animal to school. A space will be provided to store mats and rest time belongings.



Meals & Celebration Snacks

All students will receive healthy child-friendly meals each day including Breakfast, Lunch, and a PM snack.


You are welcome to bring in your child's meals if preferred.



Progress Reports

 Our program also provides quarterly progress reports to monitor your child's development.

Our progress reports track social/ emotional, language/ communication, cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving), and physical development/ movement.

This allows us to ensure that your child is progressing in all areas of their development.

Check out how are families are saying.....

“Ms.Sabrina is fantastic. She helped my son transition into Kindergarten with ease.”

— Kamili , Kayden's Mom 

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